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Japanese 5 - Adjective Master Course
ようこそ!Welcome to Japanese 5! (2:27)
List of Adjectives - Romaji, Hiragana & Kanji
Track Your Progress - Here is the Checklist!
Adjectives Basics - Describe Things!
Lesson 1: い and な Adjectives - What's the Difference? (11:27)
Lesson 2: What kind of - どんな? (25:54)
Negative Form
Lesson 3: い Negative (15:36)
Lesson 4: な Negative (11:25)
Lesson 5: れんしゅう Practice - Negative (18:32)
Past Tense
Lesson 6: い PAST (15:17)
Lesson 7: よかったね! - I'm happy for you! (9:22)
Lesson 8: な PAST (12:49)
Like & Love
Lesson 9: Like (24:31)
Lesson 10: Love (12:17)
Lesson 11: How to say "I LOVE YOU" in Japanese (2:21)
Lesson 12: Do you like? (32:45)
Lesson 13: ほしい Want - "I want a new iPhone" (33:50)
Lesson 14: たい Want TO - "I want to go to Japan" (19:09)
Lesson 15: What do you want to? (15:06)
Adjective TE Form
Lesson 16: Body Parts (17:54)
Lesson 17: Connect Adjectives - Sweet and Cute! (13:25)
Lesson 18: Connect NEGATIVE Adjectives - Not dangerous nor expensive (16:57)
Lesson 19: MORE ほう & THAN より (27:12)
Lesson 20: Which do you like better? (12:35)
すぎる "Too" + Adjective
Lesson 21: "Too Difficult" むずかしすぎます (11:27)
Lesson 22: Review of Particles - Which one to use? (31:58)
Lesson 23: Let's practice Particles! (41:18)
しゅくだい (Assignment)
Assignment - Essay
Lesson 5: れんしゅう Practice - Negative
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