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Japanese 6 - Plain Form & Informal Speech
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Japanese Plain Form
Lesson 1: Why Plain Form? (6:41)
Plain Form Practice Chart
Plain Form【Verb】
Lesson 2: Verb NAI ない Form (18:48)
Lesson 3: Verb NAI ない Chart - Answers (8:08)
【QUIZ 1】NAI ない Form - With Verb Groups
【QUIZ 1】NAI ない Form - Without Verb Groups
Lesson 4: Verb TA た Form (14:49)
【QUIZ 2】TA た Form - With Verb Groups
【QUIZ 2】TA た Form - Without Verb Groups
Lesson 5: Verb NAKATTA なかった Form (15:36)
【QUIZ 3】NAKATTA なかった Form - With Verb Groups
【QUIZ 3】NAKATTA なかった Form - Without Verb Groups
ちょっと、一休み(ひとやすみ)Break Time
日本のコマーシャル Japanese TV Commercial 1
Informal Speech【Verb】
Lesson 6: Informal #1 - Future & Present (37:02)
Lesson 7: Speaking Session (1)
Lesson 8: Informal #2 - ている (28:21)
Lesson 9: Speaking Session (2)
Lesson 10: Informal #3 - PAST (23:07)
Lesson 11: How to respond "No, I didn't" Naturally! (22:28)
Lesson 12: Informal #4 - なかった vs. てない (19:42)
Lesson 13: Speaking Session (3)
ちょっと、一休み(ひとやすみ)Break Time
犬のおまわりさん (Doggy Policeman) - Japanese Song
Plain Form【Adjective & Noun】
Lesson 14: Plain Form - Adjective & Noun (12:40)
【QUIZ 4】Adjective & Noun - Plain Negative
【QUIZ 5】Adjective & Noun - PAST
【QUIZ 6】Adjective & Noun - PAST Negative
Informal Speech【Adjective & Noun】
Lesson 15: Informal #5 - Adjective & Noun Present (16:46)
Lesson 16: Informal #6 - Adjective & Noun PAST (18:50)
Lesson 17: Speaking Session (4)
Express Your Opinions
Lesson 18: と思います "I think that..." (19:08)
Lesson 19: 思いますか "Do you think...?" (15:38)
Lesson 20: Speaking Session (5)
Lesson 21: どう思いますか "What do you think?" (12:11)
Give Advice or Suggestions
Lesson 22: TAほうがいい - It's better for you to do (17:02)
Lesson 23: NAIほうがいい - It's better for you NOT to do (12:11)
Express Your Intentions
Lesson 24: 〜たいと思っています "I think I want to..." (20:30)
Lesson 25: つもりです "I intend to..." (13:19)
Lesson 26: 予定(よてい)です "I plan to..." (16:24)
Expressions with TA Form
Lesson 27: TAことがある Past Experiences (17:01)
Lesson 28: たり、たり Listening Example Actions (17:57)
Lesson 29: たり、たり Practice - What do you want to try in Japan? (8:31)
Japanese 6 Worksheet
Lesson 27: TAことがある Past Experiences
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